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Physics Machine 
Ümit Alkuş

Physics machine is a software which does physics like a physicist. First, all the things human being has developed so far, for doing physics, will be available to this machine. Secondly, all the consistent theories, successful experiments, and published articles will be included into this machine in the form of traced and readable knowledge, in other words, this machine can read and understand these all. Finally, as the last target, this machine can observe the universe and physical events with the aim of creating theories and physical laws.

 METU, Physics Department, 06800, Ankara, Turkey
  Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Mining, Artificial Physicist

There are approximately millions of articles over physics, huge collection of very successful theories, and physics books. In the earth, no physicist could have attempted to read and understand these accumulations since it requires free infinite time, free space, infinite energy, and feeding from also other disciplinaries and fields. Especially, philosophy, science history and mathematics are needed in a very high understanding. Therefore, the first purpose of this thesis, which is to inject all the needs to do physics, appears here to tackle with these vital humanity problems. Hence, this research can be thought as an intention to meet all these impossibilities.

  Problems of Humanity
Human being has the age limit which is approximately 120; however intellectual people are aging faster than others. Of course, this handicaps the productive physicists from doing much more physics, especially in the very bright years of her/him . Therefore, the need for this physics machine seems to one obvious since it is immortal. On the other hand, this machine is not only older but also more productive than humanity. It consists, recombines and drives artificial physicists of all over the universe (no need for limited to the earth), physics knowledge, and physical productions. Then, this machine can operate like an artificial physical institution. Probably, this machine will be able to give us the key to develop memory transfer applicable to humanity. Thus, the subsequent mission of this physics machine will be the biology machine. So far in the history of humanity, unfortunately, no one, no state, no institution could have brought these things regarding physics together in the real world and this seems to be impossible for the future humanity because there is no attemption to solve this vital problem. Knowledge is infinite. No one person or even very powerful states, e.g. US, CCCP, or EU can own these infinite knowledge. For this, humanity needs a huge machine. Therefore, this physics machine can be considered to be an initiative huge machine. 
Humanity is like a balloon which is filled with untraced and unreadable knowledge gas. However, the developments especially in computer science and philosophy has the ability of giving the key to structure and invent this software machine. Some of the important fields in computer science which can be used in the construction of this physics machine are Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Mining. In the following lines, the researcher will analyze these fields so that they can be used to implement this machine.

  Artificial Intelligence
 Artificial intelligence is a type of intelligence which has been the subject of not only computer science but also philosophy. It can be regarded as the intelligence of nonliving organisms. According to the researcher, since the organic intelligence of human being, the institutions, the universities, or the states have no attempt to mine and gather physics knowledge to establish much more vital physical laws for superhumanity; the inorganic and nonliving intelligence, that is artificial intelligence is the best candidate to operate this machine.

 Machine Learning
Like humanity and its efforts to learn so far in the education systems, this physics machine is ready to learn and grow. Learning in computer is easier than that in humanity since to trace and store the knowledge, transmit information, sorting and memory transfer are faster and permanent than those in human brain. The developments in machine learning field are used to do all these processes so that this physics machine can operate the knowledge and practice to learn new things in physics.

  Data Mining
The most important thing to construct a theory in physics is to collect data as the result of intense physical observations. In addition, to extract the correct and usable data has vital importance. Data mining, then, will become the other important operator to construct the physics machine.

  Artificial Physicist
To gather human physicists together in order to construct advanced machines or theories is very difficult in this labor division system all over the world. Physics and physicist are divided into million parts in terms of field and this is the largest handicap to establish a large physical laws. This is because they cannot combine their knowledge to produce new things. Even after this automation of their knowledge and experiences, they leave with their previous knowledge and practices, so they do not learn new things. Thus, artificial physicist can solve this division problem in the construction of the physics machine.
